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To be fully known…and loved

Disconnected, unhappy, frustrated, hurt, betrayed, and so unimportant. These are the feelings we often hear from couples we see at Healing & Restoration counseling. You might find you and your partner arguing about the dishes or your different parenting style. But truly the issue is not really the issue. Typically couples fight to obtain some sort of connection with their partner, even if it is a negative connection.

We find that at the root of most issues within relationships and marriages is the desire to be known. Truly and completely known and loved for who we are. Imagine your mate taking one look at you and knowing exactly what you are struggling with and how to fully love you in that moment. Do you know it is possible to have this kind of deeply connected and loving relationship?

The team at Healing & Restoration Counseling will help you and your partner to get to the core of the issues in your relationship. You will become to know able the vulnerable side of your mate and become more vulnerable yourself. Both of the opportunity to be fully known and loved.


Welcome dear woman! In this life, we women face trials that suck the energy, hope and joy right out of us. From a strained relationship with our partner, struggles with codependency and trying to make everyone happy, or worry about our children’s choices, to the rejection we may face from others. This daily battle can leave us feeling exhausted and anxious not knowing quite how to overcome and live the life we’d like to have.

This place of frustration and hopelessness does not need to be a permanent destination for you. When you come for counseling you will find encouragement, learn effective coping skills, and gain fresh perspective helping you find your way out of the storm you’re going through. It is important to know that what you are experiencing emotionally, physically, and mentally is a normal reaction to difficult circumstances. You are not crazy or losing your mind, you are simply hurting.

Our team at Healing and Restoration Counseling will provide you with a compassionate and restful place to share, be heard, and find hope.You may be thinking you’re not worth the investment or your situation is too messy or impossible for counseling to make any difference. We have helped many who started their journey thinking this same thing and our clients have found peace, strength and true healing through the counseling process.


Feeling the stressors of being a father, provider, employee or simply trying to connect more with your spouse? Men have it tough. They’re supposed to go to work, support the family financially, be strong, be there emotionally for their spouse and kids, and take out the garbage without ever being emotional. In this day and age there are a million ways men are made to feel they’re not good enough. Everywhere you turn the message is “be strong,” “be loving,” “be in touch with your emotions,” “be available,” “try harder” “do more, make more, be more.” The reality is men are expected to be and do the impossible. Add addiction and intimacy issues to the mix then finding relief seems hopeless.

We at Healing & Restoration Counseling help men find their place again. We help Men better communicate with those around them, become more aware of their deeper feelings & help them understand their worth, as well as rid themselves of shame and guilt. Men, you deserve to feel heard, validated, supported, and understood.

Kids & Teens

Our kids have never had it so tough. It is no longer just about wearing the right clothing and brands or being part of the cool group. They are exposed to situations and stressors we never had to face from potential gun violence at school to around the clock social media pressures that constantly remind our kids what friendships and events they are missing out on.

If you are noticing two or more following symptoms it may be time to find help your child or teen.

Behaviors to be aware of:

  • Lack of motivation to spend time doing things they used to do
  • Excessive use of electronics and distraction
  • Isolating and keeping to themselves
  • Harmful behaviors to cope (e.g. drug use, eating less or more, cutting, thoughts of suicide)
  • Angry outbursts and/or inability to explain what is going on inside of them
  • Complaints of stomach aches, lack of appetite, trouble sleeping, nightmares
  • Intense insecurity and fear when interacting with others

This situation may leave you feeling fearful and helpless and this is understandable. We as parents want to give the best to our kids and not being able to eliminate their struggles is heart wrenching. We are here to provide hope and a way through. The team at Healing & Restoration Counseling providesa caring and compassionate environment to help children and teens work through their emotions and determine what they need. We will help your child move from being overwhelmed and feeling alone to understanding they have choices they can make and things that they can do when feeling overwhelmedby their thoughts and emotions. This is accomplished using Dialectical Behavior Therapy a tried and true approach used in the most accomplished programs throughout the world.

We also integrate a gentle trauma therapy approach called Lifespan Integration which helps a person of any age move past fears, insecurities andtraumatizing events. Our clients have found this method calms their bodies while opening up new perspective on past situations bringing mental and emotional peace. Call or email us today to help get your child or teen on a healing path.

Are you ready to take the first step?

Reach out to us today!

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